How to File a Small Claim in Davidson County


Area of Law: 

You can file a small claim in Davidson County if your claim amount is less than $15000. The Small Claims court in Davidson County and the small claims courts of the other counties of Tennessee seem to be very liberal. If you want to recover a personal property or if you want to evict your tenant, you can always file a claim in Davidson County. However, your defendant should be a resident of Davidson County or the incident of breach or injury should have occurred in Davidson County for you to file a small claim in Davidson County. In case the claim is regarding personal property, the property should be in Davidson County. For more information you can visit


Before filing your small claim with the Court of Davidson County, you will have to fill up a petition form. In this you have to mention your details, your defendant’s details, the reason why you want to sue, the date and the place where the incident occurred along with the claim amount. You may download your petition form by visiting Then you make three copies of this petition form. You submit two copies of the form to the court in Davidson County and keep one copy with you. Out of these two copies, one will be for the defendant. Apart from the filing fees that you pay, you will have to pay some extra fees so that the court can serve the defendant. 


Davidson County allows an attorney to represent you in your trial. If you do not have any particular attorney in mind, you can search for one on If the defendant does not appear in the court on the trial date, it will be considered as default and the decision will be taken in your favor. If you fail to appear in the court on the trial date, the case will be dismissed. When both parties are present, the judgement will be taken after hearing both sides. You are even allowed to question the witnesses of the other side. But make sure you gather all your evidences in a proper way so that your side of the case becomes stronger. Do prepare your witnesses to answer the questions asked by your defendant or your defendant’s attorney. If you are not happy with the judgement, you can always appeal in the higher court. However, this has to be done within 10 days of receiving the judgement.


I hired a contractor to do

I hired a contractor to do some work on my daughter's townhouse in Davidson County. They totally destroyed everything they did including taking my storm door with them. What can I legally do?