How to stop foreclosure in Connecticut


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How to stop foreclosure in Connecticut

Go to: To read more about how connecticut foreclosure law works and how to stop or avoid foreclosure and eviction in connecticut.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about eviction. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Connecticut Eviction

The Connecticut eviction process contains a number of specific steps for a landlord to follow to evict a tenant for nonpayment of rent, holding over after expiration of the rental agreement or for a material violation of the lease. There are different Connecticut eviction notice requirements depending upon the reason for the eviction. check to learn more.

Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Connecticut

Evictions in Connecticut are governed by the  Landlord and Tenant Act, which sets out all the rules landlords and tenants must follow. The only way a landlord can legally evict a tenant is by receiving a court order from a judge that gives permission for the eviction to proceed. check to learn more.