Indiana Residential Lease Agreement


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Indiana Residential Lease Agreement

The Indiana Residential Lease Agreement is a legal document that binds a Landlord and Tenant over a set period of time for the renting of one's property.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about eviction. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

General Information About Eviction

Generally, landlords can evict you before your lease is up only if you have broken your lease. Common reasons for eviction include the tenant hasn’t paid rent or has damaged the property. You should try to talk to the landlord and see if you can work something out with the landlord to see if the landlord will agree you can stay. check to learn more.

Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Indiana

Landlord-tenant relations are governed by the  Indiana Code. This e sets forth all the rules and obligations landlords and tenants have toward each other and the remedies landlords and tenants have when those rules and obligations are broken. check to learn more.


The laws governing landlord tenant relationships and eviction in the state of Indiana are in Article 31 of Title 32 in the Indiana Code. These are the laws that explain the eviction process in Indiana. check to learn more.