Parenting time in Minnesota custody


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Parenting time in Minnesota custody

Minnesota Divorce Lawyer Amanda Maenner describes how parenting time works in Minnesota custody cases

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Legal and Physical Custody

In deciding whether to award joint legal custody, the Court considers the following factors: The ability of the parties to cooperate in the rearing of the children. Methods of resolving disputes regarding any major decision concerning the life of the child, and the parents’ willingness to use those methods. Check to learn more.

Child Custody in Minnesota

Minnesota uses several criteria to determine child custody. Primarily, a court in Minnesota determines custody based on the best interests of the child. Parents who wish to file for child custody in Minnesota should first become familiar with the custody statutes. Check to learn more.

Physical Custody in Minnesota - FAQs

Physical custody is the routine daily care and control of a child. Legal custody, on the other hand, is the ability to make major decisions for a child. "Joint" means "shared" in the law. It does not necessarily mean equal. Check to learn more.

Minnesota Child Custody in Divorce: The Basics

"Child custody" is the area of law that governs where a child lives and how he or she divides time between both parents after a divorce or in another similar separation. The Minnesota statute that lays out these best-interest factors also has some other important provisions. Check to learn more.