What Happens During a Motion for Temporary Relief in South Carolina Family Court


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What Happens During a Motion for Temporary Relief in South Carolina Family Court

Attorney Nick Mermiges explains how Motions for Temporary Relief work in South Carolina Family Court.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Child Custody in South Carolina

According to South Carolina law, there is no presumption as to whether the mother or father will better provide for the best interest and welfare of the child. South Carolina courts may decide to modify the visitation agreement or order makeup visitation for the time missed if it is found to be in the best interest of the child. check to learn more.

Child Support and Visitation in South Carolina

The general principles that are considered when establishing the appropriate amount of support include the following:  (1) the educational expenses for the children or parent; (2) the equitable distribution of property; (3) any consumer debts; (4) any extraordinary medical or dental expenses that have not been reimbursed; and (5) the significant available income of the children. check to learn more.