Injury Attorney Memphis


Area of Law: 

If you suffer an injury at work or in an automobile accident your injury may cause you to miss work or make it impossible for you to participate in the activities you once enjoyed. In addition, you may face mounting medical bills that you are unable to pay. However, if your damages are due to another party’s negligence, you may be able to recover damages for your injuries. Negligence is the failure to use reasonable care and act as a reasonable person under the circumstances. In a work situation, this means your employer has a duty to maintain a safe work environment for all employees. Depending on the situation, an injury attorney Memphis may recommend filing a lawsuit against the negligent party to try to recover compensation for your injuries.

For example, if you missed work while you were recovering from your injuries, an injury attorney Memphis may advise you to ask for loss of wage damages. Loss of wage damages reimburse you for the income you were unable to earn because of the accident. In addition, if you were only able to work part time while you recovered from your injuries, you may be able to receive compensation for the difference in income. If your injuries affect your ability to advance in your chosen career field, the court may award damages to compensate you for the limited career advancement you will face.

In addition to loss of wage damages, you may be entitled to reimbursement for your medical expenses. Depending on the care that you receive for your injuries, your medical expenses can be very high. For example, if an ambulance transported you to the hospital or if you had to undergo multiple medical procedures to repair your injuries, your medical bills can be very costly. You may also face long term care, like physical therapy or additional surgeries. Therefore, it is important to talk to an injury attorney Memphis about seeking reimbursement for your medical expenses from the negligent party.

An injury attorney Memphis may also ask the court to award pain and suffering damages. Pain and suffering damages are damages designed to compensate you for the mental and physical pain that you experience because of your injuries. For example, if your injuries make it impossible for you to participate in activities you once enjoyed, you may be eligible to receive damages for pain and suffering. However, it is difficult to predict the amount of pain and suffering damages a court may award, and your injury attorney Memphis may only be able to give you a rough estimate of the amount you are likely to receive.

It is important to seek both medical attention and legal advice as soon after your injury as reasonably possible. Therefore, if you need help finding an injury attorney Memphis, visit the Memphis Bar Association’s website In addition, you can find information about how to file a civil lawsuit at the Shelby County’s website