Choose Witnesses Wisely in Child Custody or Divorce Case


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Choose Witnesses Wisely in Child Custody or Divorce Case

You’re probably going to have more than one witness who could come to court & testify on your behalf but just because you have one witness or ten witnesses doesn't mean that all of those witnesses need to testify. You have to talk to the people who could potentially have something to say on your behalf & figure out whether they’d really be a good witness.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

California Department of Child Support Services

California's Child Support Services Program works with parents - custodial and noncustodial - and guardians to ensure children and families receive court-ordered financial and medical support. check to learn more.

The Basics of Child Custody

Since child custody laws are regulated by the individual states, the laws can vary significantly from state to state.  However, there are some general concepts that anyone with children should be aware of. check to learn more.

Child Support and Visitation in North Carolina

In North Carolina, the courts follow North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 50, Section 50-13.4 as a basic layout of the rules for determining the amount of support that is to be paid.  North Carolina uses the Income Shares method to determine child support, which means that the level of support is determined by the income of both parents. check to learn more.