Father's Rights in Child Custody Cases


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Father's Rights in Child Custody Cases

Identify what you are going to change now that you and the parent are not together. For example if you have traveled a lot for work when you were married to your spouse. And you have not been able to spend time with the mother or child, you need to present to the judge how you are going to modify your travel schedule so you are there for your children. Is your job going to be flexible so that you will be able to modify that schedule. Can you go in early or work or leave early.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Wisconsin Fathers for Children and Families

Wisconsin Fathers for Children and Families educate the public, courts and legislators about the important role fathers play in the raising of children. It is a group of men and women working to assure every child has the fullest opportunity to experience the love and nurturance of both their father and mother. check to learn more.

Family and Custody in North Carolina

A great resource for family law and custody issues for minor children in North Carolina. This pamphlet seeks to explain North Carolina laws on child custody, child visitation rights, and child support by answering frequently asked questions about these matters. check to learn more.

Divorce And The Contested Child Custody Case: What To Expect As A Parent

There are few life events as stressful as divorce, but those involving children are among the most stressful. Even when both parties agree on what is best for the children, hashing out the details of child custody and support can be difficult and sometimes altogether impossible for the parents involved. check to learn more.