Family Law 101: Child "Custody" & The Best Interest of the Child Standard Used by Florida Courts


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Family Law 101: Child "Custody" & The Best Interest of the Child Standard Used by Florida Courts

In this episode of Now You Know the Law, Attorney Yanique L. Otto discusses how child "custody" or time sharing is determined by Florida courts, using the "Best Interest of the Child" standard.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Child Support and Visitation in Florida

In Florida, the court follows Florida Statutes 61.13 as a basic layout of the rules for determining the amount of support. Child support must continue either until the child reaches the age of majority or until a substantial change occurs with the circumstances of the parties. In Florida, if the non-custodial spouse violates the visitation order, the custodial parent may file an order to hold him or her in contempt of the court. check to learn more.

How Do Florida Courts Determine Child Custody?

Child custody laws in Florida aim to provide for a single parent to have physical custody of the child (primary care taker), while awarding the second parent generous visitation rights. Florida courts prefer to give custody to the parent staying in the same location, but based on other factors this isn't always feasible. Child custody, and divorce law in Florida are very thorough, and both parents will need a thorough understanding of the process to ensure their legal rights, and needs are beign served properly. check to learn more.

Child Custody in Florida

In Florida, the determining factors as to who shall maintain custody of a child are laid out in 61.13(3) of the Florida Statutory Code. Legal Custody refers to the right and responsibility of a parent to make decisions relating to the health, education, and general welfare of his or her child. Physical Custody refers mostly to the right and responsibility to choose where the child will live. Joint physical custody is a situation where a child maintains two residences – one with each parent. check to learn more.