Maine Tenant Screening Services for Landlords


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Maine Tenant Screening Services for Landlords

View the Maine tenant screening reports and jurisdictions provided by for landlords, real estate agents, and property management companies.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about eviction. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Maine

In Maine, a landlord can evict a tenant for failing to pay rent or for a major violation of the lease or rental agreement. This article will examine the most common grounds for eviction in Maine, along with some of the defenses available to tenants. check to learn more.


Aside from providing a legal process that must be adhered to by the landlord, Maine eviction law offers several protections for the tenant, including the institution of  a requirement of appropriate notice before eviction and the prohibition of evictions based on discrimination. check to learn more.