Rental & Security Deposit Law in NC


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Rental & Security Deposit Law in NC

Under the NC Tenant Security Deposit Act, the law controls the amount of rent deposit that a landlord can charge to a tenant. Also, it controls what a landlord can use a security deposit on.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about eviction. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

North Carolina Rental Laws

This article summarizes some key North Carolina landlord-tenant laws applicable to residential rental units. The Official State Statutes and other reputable municipal sources were used to research this information. check to learn more.

Tenant Defenses to Eviction Notices in North Carolina

There are four main reasons a landlord can evict a tenant in North Carolina: 1) nonpayment of rent, 2) tenant remaining on premises after the termination of the lease (“hold-over tenant”), 3) tenant breaching one or more terms of the lease agreement, and 4) drug trafficking or other criminal activity. check to learn more.

Residential Rental Application

This is a form that's going to make it more streamlined for tenants who want to apply to rent from you.  How it works is a tenant fills out the application for rental, pays a fee, and then you follow the legal requirements to either approve or disapprove them. check to learn more.

North Carolina Eviction Notice Forms | Process and Laws

The North Carolina eviction notice forms are used as the first step in the North Carolina eviction process. In North Carolina, rent is due on the day that is set forth in the lease agreement between tenant and landlord. check to learn more.

North Carolina Eviction

A landlord in this state has to follow the North Carolina eviction process if a tenant is not paying the rent or has violated a material provision in the lease. In these cases, sometimes eviction a necessity. check to learn more.