Family Law

Free Family Legal Help

Family law is a broad category that covers areas of marriage and divorce (prenuptual agreements, postnuptual agreements, divorce settlements, separation agreements), as well as issues dealing with children.  When it comes to children, the law follows the mantra: the best interest of the child.  Thus, the courts tend to look for what is in the child’s best interest in a separation or divorce, and not at what the couple are willing to agree to.  Free Legal Aid has famly law content for each state, the top seven states are below for quick reference:

Go here for all personal injury resources, not separated by state: Family Law

California Family Law Legal Help

Nevada Family Law Legal Help

Texas Family Law Legal Help

New Jersey Family Law Legal Help

New York Family Law Legal Help

Illinois Family Law Legal Help

Florida Family Law Legal Help

For more general information about Free Legal Aid and legal help related to family law, divorce and separation, we recommend visiting Wikipedia(link is external) or Findlaw(link is external).

Divorce is not something that is easy for either party, and it is difficult when children are involved.  However, finding an amicable way to settle and come to terms is often best for everyone involved.  While it is advisable to engage attorneys when a divorce is immanent, it might be worth looking at what a simple divorce settlement agreement looks like (where there are no children involved).  Free Legal Aid has a form, not to be used for actual settlement, but as a great example of what the type of terms are that the parties will want to negotiate.  The divorce settlement form is here. Remember, on, the forms are free, but are not a substitute for an attorney.  Also, to download forms, you must be signed it (or just sign up, its free and we don’t pester you with lots of emails or junk email).

For some really great resources that cost only a little bit of money, these could save you thousands!

Divorce Advice For Women(link is external).

Men’s Divorce Tactics(link is external).

Divorce Ammo: what they don’t tell you about divorce.(link is external)

Divorcing a Narcissist and Other Jerks.

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