Family Law -- Divorce, child custody, child support


Area of Law: 

Family Law -- Divorce, child custody, child support

The practice of Family Law encompasses a variety of issues including divorce, child custody, alimony and property division, child support, and adoption. Barganier says Family Law cases may be ongoing for years, depending on changing issues with child custody as children grow older, and issues that may arise when one parent relocates to a different residence, or moves to a different geographic area.

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

California Department of Child Support Services

California's Child Support Services Program works with parents - custodial and noncustodial - and guardians to ensure children and families receive court-ordered financial and medical support. check to learn more.

Child Custody in New York

In New York, the laws have provided the criteria that New York Courts are to consider when determining who shall maintain custody of the child after a separation or dissolution of marriage. check to learn more.

Child Support and Visitation in North Carolina

In North Carolina, the courts follow North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 50, Section 50-13.4 as a basic layout of the rules for determining the amount of support that is to be paid.  North Carolina uses the Income Shares method to determine child support, which means that the level of support is determined by the income of both parents. check to learn more.