How Do You Modify or Appeal a Divorce or Child Custody Decision?


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How Do You Modify or Appeal a Divorce or Child Custody Decision?

I'm not satisfied with the decision in my child custody case, how do I appeal the decision? Can I appeal my child custody decision? How do appeals work in Colorado? For more information about filing for divorce, how divorce works, or any other family law matters in Colorado, contact Lewis & Matthews P.C. today,

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Family and Custody in North Carolina

A great resource for family law and custody issues for minor children in North Carolina. This pamphlet seeks to explain North Carolina laws on child custody, child visitation rights, and child support by answering frequently asked questions about these matters. check to learn more.

California Department of Child Support Services

California's Child Support Services Program works with parents - custodial and noncustodial - and guardians to ensure children and families receive court-ordered financial and medical support. check to learn more.

Child Custody Coach: Helping Parents through Child Custody & Divorce

Child Custody Coach provides child custody, divorce, and custody evaluation help and information. Specializing in high-conflict child custody and divorce cases involving custody evaluations, parental alienation, PAS, relocations and false allegations. check to learn more.