Michigan Child Custody & Child Support - Attorney Aric Melder


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Michigan Child Custody & Child Support - Attorney Aric Melder

The Michigan Law Office of Melder & Melder (1-800-529-5454) explains the basics of Michigan Child Custody & Child Support Law, including child support guidelines, sole and joint custody and visitation (parenting time).

Free Legal Aid provides useful information about child custody. In addition to the video here, be sure you check out other resources.

Child Support and Visitation in Michigan

In Michigan, the courts follow Michigan Revised Statutes, Sections 552.604, 552.605, and 552.605b as a basic layout of the rules for determining the amount of support that is to be paid.  Michigan adheres to specific guidelines for support which the parties may contest and have altered through a showing that they are unfair.

Child Custody in Michigan

In Michigan, the law encourages joint custody, which can give both parents the right to make decisions concerning their child's upbringing. The court may award physical custody, which determines where the child lives, to one or both parents. The non-custodial parent is typically granted visitation, which is called parenting time in Michigan.