Child Support Modification Waiting Period in Wyoming


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Child Support Modification Waiting Period in Wyoming - You must wait six months before you can child support in Wyoming.

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Child Custody in Wyoming

In Wyoming, the court will not award custody to one parent over the other based solely on the parent's gender. The court will consider evidence of spousal or child abuse as being contrary to the best interests of the child. When minor children are involved in a divorce, the Wyoming courts will do everything in their power to help lessen the emotional trauma that the children may be experiencing. check to learn more.

Child Support and Visitation in Wyoming

In Wyoming, the courts follow Wyoming Statutes, Title 20, Chapters 20-2-301 to 20-2-315 as a basic layout of the rules for determining the amount of support that is to be paid. The child support order generally mandates both the frequency of payments and the amount that the supporting parent must pay the supported parent to help care for the child. check to learn more.