Illinois Personal Injury Legal Help

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Illinois Personal Injury Resources

TypeTitleArea of Law
questionMy son broke his wrist at school Friday and I did not get a call from a teacher or school to let me know what happen. What can I do or do I have a case against the school? …OtherGovernmentPersonal Injury
legal_resourceCircuit Court of Cook County, Pro Se ResourcesPersonal Injury
articleInjury Attorney ChicagoPersonal Injury
articleTylenol Recall in IllinoisPersonal Injury
articleToxic Torts in IllinoisPersonal Injury
articleMesothelioma in IllinoisPersonal Injury
legal_resourceLegal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan ChicagoPersonal InjuryEmployment LawDivorce and Family LawDUI and CriminalCivil Rights LawBusiness and Commercial LawGeneral Legal Resources